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主要从事植物和藻类光合作用研究,主持国自然优青基金、重点研发计划课题和中科院院创新交叉团队等项目。破解了硅藻和甲藻等光合膜蛋白超分子结构和功能之谜,揭示了植物环式电子传递调控能量平衡的新机制,为阐明海洋微藻捕获绿光和植物适应光环境的分子机理奠定了坚实基础,在已在Science, Nature, PNAS, Science Advances, Nature communications, Advanced Science等发表论文50多篇。硅藻相关成果被Science特邀专题评为里程碑式的研究工作,入选2019年 “中国科学十大进展”、“中国生命科学十大进展”、“中国十大科技进展新闻”和“中国十大海洋科技进展”评选,入选国家“十三五”科技创新成就展。获国家自然科学二等奖、中国植物生理与分子生物学学会卫志明青年创新奖、中国科学院第一届青年五四奖章等奖励。兼任中国植物学会植物整合组学专业委员会秘书长、New Crops和BMC Plant Biology青年编委等。

Li X#, Li Z#, Wang F#, Zhao S, Xu C, Mao Z, Duan J, Feng Y, Yang Y, Shen L, Wang G, Yanyan Yang, Yu L, Sang M, Han G, Wang X, Kuang T,  Shen JR, Wang W (2024).  Structures and organizations of PSI-AcpPCI supercomplexes from red tidal and coral symbiotic photosynthetic dinoflagellates. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. 121: 2315476121.

申丽丽, 王源, 王文达 (2024). 放氧光合生物LHC捕光天线的结构、排布与功能. 中国科学:生命科学. https://doi.org/10.1360/SSV-2023-0108.

Mao Z#, Li X#, Li Z, Shen L, Li X, Yang Y, Wang W, Kuang T, Shen JR*, Han G* (2024). Structure and distinct supramolecular organization of a PSII-ACPII dimer from a cryptophyte alga Chroomonas placoidea. Nature Communications. 15: 4535.

Shen L#, Gao Y#, Tang K#, Qi R, Fu L, Chen J, Wang W, Ma X, Li P, Chen M, Kuang T, Zhang X*, Shen JR*, Wang P*, Han G* (2024). Structure of a unique PSII-Pcb tetrameric megacomplex in a chlorophyll d-containing cyanobacterium. Science Advances. 10: eadk7140.

Akhtar P, Feng Y, Jana S, Wang W, Shen JR, Tan HS*, Lambrev PH * (2024). Ultrafast Energy Transfer in a Diatom Photosystem II Supercomplex. Journal of Phycical Chemistry Letters. 15, 5838-5847.

Yamano N, Zhou C, Wang P, Kuang T, Wang W*, Zhang JP* (2024). Lipid-induced quenching of chlorophyll singlet excitation in lipid-nanodisc accommodated FCP complex from diatom Chaetoceros gracilis. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry.  451, 115533.

Li Z#,  Zhou C#, Zhao S#, Zhang J, Liu X, Sang M, Qin X, Yang Y, Han G, Kuang T, Shen JR*, Wang W* (2023). Structural and functional properties of different types of siphonous LHCII trimers from an intertidal green alga Bryopsis corticulans. Structure. 31, 1247-1258.

Zhao S#, Shen L#, Li X#,  Tao Q#, Li Z, Xu C, Zhou C, Yang Y, Sang M, Han G, Yu LJ, Kuang T,  Shen JR*, Wang W* (2023). Structural insights into photosystem II supercomplex and trimeric FCP antennae of a centric diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana. Nature Communications. 14:8164.

Feng Y#, Li Z#, Li X, Shen L, Liu X, Zhou C, Zhang J, Sang M, Han G, Yang W, Kuang T, Wang W*, Shen JR* (2023). Structure of a diatom photosystem II supercomplex containing a member of Lhcx family and dimeric FCPII. Science Advances. 9, eadi8446.

Zheng M#, Zhou C#, Wang W*, Kuang T, Shen J, Tian L* (2023). Origin of Energy Dissipation in the Oligomeric Fucoxanthin-Chlorophyll a/c Binding Proteins. Journal of Phycical Chemistry Letters. 14, 7967-7974.

Yang Z#, Wang J#, Yin B, Liu W, Yin D, Shen J, Wang W*, Li L*, Guo X* (2023). Stimuli-Induced Subconformation Transformation of the PSI-LHCI Protein at Single-Molecule Resolution. Advanced Science. 2205945. 

Qiu S, Yuan Y, Li X, Zhao C, He Y, Tang B, Wang W, Fan J* (2023).  Peridinin-chlorophyll-protein complex industry from algae: A critical review of the current advancements, hurdles, and biotechnological potential. Algal Research. 72: 103118. 

Zhang S#, Tang K#, Yan Q#, Li X, Shen L, Wang W, He Y, Kuang T, Han G*, Shen JR*, Zhang X* (2023). Structural insights into a unique PSI-LHCI-LHCII-Lhcb9 supercomplex from moss Physcomitrium patens. Nature Plants. doi: 10.1038/s41477-023-01401-4. 

Li D, Wang W, Zhou C, Zhang Y, Zhao S, Zhou Y, Gao R, Yao H, Fu L, Wang P, Shen J, Kuang T*, Zhang J* (2023). Photoinduced chlorophyll charge transfer state identified in the light-harvesting complex II from a marine green alga Bryopsis corticulans. iScience. 26, 105761. 

Shen L#, Tang K#, Wang W#, Wang C, Wu H, Mao Z, An S, Chang S, Kuang T, Shen J, Han G, Zhang X (2022). Architecture of the chloroplast PSI-NDH supercomplex in Hordeum vulgare. Nature. 601:649-654. 

Yao H, Li D, Gao R, Zhou C, Wang W, Wang P, Shen J, Kuang T*, Zhang J* (2022). A Possible Mechanism for Aggregation-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Quenching in Light-Harvesting Complex II from the Marine Green Alga Bryopsis corticulans. J. Phys. Chem. B. 126(46): 9580-9590. 

Zhu S, Bin S, Wang W, Lu S*, Yang W* (2022). Exogenous arachidonic acid affects fucoxanthin biosynthesis and photoprotection in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Mar Drugs. 20 (10):644. 

Wang J#, Yu LJ#, Wang W#, Yan Q, Kuang T, Qin X*, Shen J* (2021). Structure of plant photosystem I‐light harvesting complex I supercomplex at 2.4 Å resolution. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 63(7):1367-1381. 

Huang Z#, Shen L#, Wang W, Mao Z, Yi X, Kuang T, Shen J*, Zhang X*, Han G* (2021). Structure of photosystem I-LHCI-LHCII from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in State 2. Nature Communications. 12:1100. 

赵松浩, 陶秋爽, 沈建仁, 王文达 (2021). 硅藻岩藻黄素-叶绿素 a/c 蛋白-揭秘红系捕光天线复合物. 自然杂志. 43 : 157-164. 

Huang G#, Xiao Y#, Pi X, Zhao L, Zhu Q, Wang W, Kuang T, Han G*, Sui S*, Shen J* (2021). Structural insights into a dimeric Psb27-photosystem II complex from a cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus vulcanus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118 (5): e2018053118. 

Yan Q#, Zhao L#, Wang W, Pi X, Han G, Wang J, Cheng L, He YK, Kuang T, Qin X*, Sui S*, Shen J* (2021). Antenna arrangement and energy-transfer pathways of PSI–LHCI from the moss Physcomitrella patens. Cell Discovery. 7:10. 

Chang L, Tian L, Ma F, Mao Z, Liu X, Han G, Wang W, Yang Y, Kuang T, Pan J, Shen J (2020). Regulation of photosystem I‑light‑harvesting complex I from a red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae in response to light intensities. Photosynthesis Research. 146:287-297. 

Li D, Wang W, Zhou C, Zhang Y, Wang P, Shen J, Kuang T*, Zhang J* (2020). Excitation Dynamics and Relaxation in the Major Antenna of a Marine Green Alga Bryopsis Corticulans. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics. 1861(5-6):148186.  

Chen J, Wu H, Xu C, Liu X, Huang Z, Chang S, Wang W, Han G, Kuang T*,Shen J*, Zhang X* (2020). Architecture of the photosynthetic complex from a green sulfur bacterium. Science. 370, eabb6350. 

Zhu Q#, Yang Y#, Xiao Y, Wang W, Kuang T, Shen J*, Han G* (2020). Function of PsbO‑Asp158 in photosystem II: effects of mutation of this residue on the binding of PsbO and function of PSII in Thermosynechococcus vulcanus. Photosynthesis Research. 146:26-40. 

Xiao Y, Zhu Q, Yang Y, Wang W, Kuang T, Shen J*, Han G* (2020). Role of PsbV-Tyr137 in photosystem II studied by site-directed mutagenesis in the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus vulcanus. Photosynthesis Research. 146:41–54. 

Akhtar P, Nowakowski P J, Wang W, Do T N, Zhao S, Siligardi G, Garab G, Shen J, Tan H*, Lambrev P* (2020). Spectral tuning of light-harvesting complex II in the siphonous alga Bryopsis corticulans and its effect on energy transfer dynamics. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics. 1861(5-6):148191. 

Xu C#, Pi X#, HuangY#, Han G, Chen X, Qin X, Huang G, Zhao S, Yang Y , Kuang T, Wang W*, Sui S*, Shen J*(2020). Structural basis for energy transfer in a huge diatom PSI-FCPI supercomplex. Nature Communications. 11:5081. 

Wang W, Zhao S, Pi X, Kuang T, Sui S, Shen J (2020). Structural features of the diatom photosystem II–light-harvesting antenna complex. FEBS journal. 287(11):2191-2200. 

王文达, 韩广业, 匡廷云, 沈建仁 (2020). 硅藻和绿藻:光合作用的蛋白体不再神秘. 前沿科学. 1, 14-18. 

Wang W#, Yu L#, Xu C, Tomizaki T, Zhao S, Umena Y, Chen X, Qin X, Xin Y, Suga M, Han G, Kuang T*, Shen J* (2019). Structural basis for blue-green light harvesting and energy dissipation in diatoms. Science. 363: eaav0365.  

Pi X#, Zhao S#, Wang W#, Liu D, Xu C, Han G, Kuang T*, Sui S*, Shen J* (2019). The pigment-protein network of a diatom photosystem II-light harvesting antenna supercomplex. Science. 365: eaax4406.  

Qin X#, Pi X#, Wang W, Han G, Zhu L, Liu M, Cheng L, Shen J*, Kuang T*, Sui S* (2019). Structure of a green algal PSI in complex with a large number of light-harvesting complex I subunits. Nature Plants. 5: 263-272. 

Shen L#, Huang Z#, Chang S#, Wang W, Wang J, Kuang T, Han G*, Shen J*, Zhang X* (2019) . Structure of a C2S2M2N2-type PSII-LHCII supercomplex from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116(42): 21246-21255. 

Giovagnetti V, Han G, Ware M A, Ungerer P, Qin X, Wang W, Kuang T, Shen J*, Ruban AV* (2018). A siphonous morphology affects light-harvesting modulation in the intertidal green macroalga Bryopsis corticulans (Ulvophyceae). Planta. 247:1293-1308.  

Zhang T, Liu C, Dong W, Wang W, Sun Y, Chen X*, Yang C*, Dai N* (2017). Photoelectrochemical Complexes of Fucoxanthin-Chlorophyll Protein for Bio-Photovoltaic Conversion with a High Open-Circuit Photovoltage. Chemistry an Asian journal. 12: 2996-2999. 

Tian L, Liu Z, Wang F, Shen L, Chen J, Chang L, Zhao S, Han G, Wang W, Kuang T, Qin X*, Shen J* (2017). Isolation and characterization of PSI-LHCI super-complex and their sub-complexes from a red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Photosynthesis research. 133: 201-214. 

徐才哲, 王文达, 艾鹏飞, 靳占忠, 桑 敏, 匡廷云(2016). 三角褐指藻岩藻黄素-叶绿素蛋白复合体的分离纯化和功能研究. 水生生物学报. 40 (1):109-115. 

李文军, 张超, 王文达, 赵松浩, 秦松(2016). 岩藻黄素与岩藻黄素-叶绿素复合体(FCP)研究进展. 食品研究与开发. 37 (23):191-196. 

芦亚菲, 曲娜, 陈晓波, 王文达 (2015). 对氢键网络的干扰降低细胞色素 b6f 复合体中Chla 的光稳定性. 中国科学: 生命科学. 45(3) :311 -316. 

Feng J, Zhao S, Chen X, Wang W, Dong W, Chen J, Shen J , Liu L*, Kuang T* (2015). Biochemical and structural study of Arabidopsis hexokinase 1, Aata Crystallographica Section D. Biological Crystallography. 71: 367-375. 

Qin X#, Wang W#, Chang L, Chen J, Wang P, Zhang J, He Y, Kuang T*, Shen J* (2015). Isolation and characterization of a PSI-LHCI super-complex and its sub-complexes from a siphonaceous marine green alga, Bryopsis Corticulans. Photosynthesis research. 123: 61-76. 

Wang W#, Qin X#, Sang M, Chen D, Wang K, Lin R, Lu C, Shen J*, Kuang T*(2013). Spectral and functional studies on siphonaxanthin-type lightharvesting complex of photosystem II from Bryopsis corticulans. Photosynthesis Research. 117: 267-279. 

Qin X, Zhu J, Wang W, Ding X, Wang K, Fang Y*, Kuang T* (2013).  A stable ‘sandwich’ system of Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering for the analysis of β-carotenes in a photosynthetic pigment-protein complex. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 44: 1111-1119. 

Sang M, Ma F, Xie J, Chen X, Wang K, Qin X, Wang W, Zhao J, Li L, Zhang J*, Kuang T* (2010). High-light induced singlet oxygen formation in cytochrome b(6)f complex from Bryopsis corticulans as detected by EPR spectroscopy. Biophysical chemistry. 146: 7-12.  

Sang M, Xie J, Qin X, Wang W, Chen X, Wang K, Zhang J*, Li L*, Kuang T (2011). High-light induced superoxide radical formation in cytochrome b(6)f complex from Bryopsis corticulans as detected by EPR spectroscopy. Journal of photochemistry and photobiology B,Biology. 102: 177-181. 

Sang M, Qin X, Wang W, Xie J, Chen X, Wang K, Zhang J, Li L*, Kuang T* (2011). High-light-induced superoxide anion radical formation in cytochrome b(6)f complex from spinach as detected by EPR spectroscopy. Photosynthetica. 49(1): 48~54. 

Qin X#, Wang W#, Wang K, Xin Y, Kuang T* (2011). Isolation and characteristics of the PSI-LHCI-LHCII supercomplex under high light. Photochemistry and photobiology. 87: 143-150. 

Sang M, Qin X, Wang W, Chen X, Xie J, Li L*, Kuang T* (2012). Singlet Oxygen Formation and Scavengingin Cytochrome b6f Complex from Spinach. ACTA BIOPHYSICA SINICA. 28(10): 848-854. 

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