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王柏臣 研究员
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研究方向: 玉米是典型的高光效C4作物。实验室以玉米、杨树和苜蓿等为对象,通过比较C3与C4植物,对C4关键酶进行分析的调控机制进行分析。并同时对其维管发育及其与物质运输的关系进行研究。运用植物生理学、遗传学、生物化学、分子生物学和组学等学科的理论与技术,通过挖掘关键因子,解析生化功能,揭示作物高光效的机理,为作物的高光效育种提供理论指导。研究方向包括: (1)C4光合作用关键酶PPDK、PEPCK及Rubisco的翻译后修饰及酶活调控机制研究。 (2)不同光照条件下蛋白质及其翻译后修饰的变化。 (3)C3和C4植物维管发育及物质运输的关系研究。
  • 晁青




  • 张娇




  • 郭雨




  • 李果

    2019级 博士



  • 梅应昌

    2019级 博士



  • 杨秀

    2020级 博士



  • 张圣英

    2021级 博士



  • 张川

    2022级 博士



  • 张鸿周

    2023级 博士



  • 陈永霞

    2021级 硕士



  • 徐宁

    2022级 硕士



Yang MY, Yang X, Yan Z, Chao Q, Shen J, Shui GH, Guo PM, Wang BC* (2023) OsTST1, a key tonoplast sugar transporter from source to sink, plays essential roles in affecting yields and height of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Planta. 258 (1): 4. 

Gao ZF, Yang X, Mei YC, Zhang J, Chao Q*, Wang BC* (2023). A dynamic phosphoproteomic analysis provides insight into the C4 plant maize (Zea mays L.) response to naturaldiurnal changes. Plant Journal. 113:291-307. 

Yan Z, Yang MY, Zhao BG, Li G, Chao Q, Tian F, Gao G, Wang BC* (2022). OsAPL controls the nutrient transport systems in the leaf of rice (Oryza sativa L.). Planta. 256:11. 

Zhao BG, Li G, Wang YF, Yan Z, Dong FQ, Mei YC, Zeng W, Lu MZ, Li HB, Chao Q*, Wang BC* (2022). PdeHCA2 affects biomass in Populus by regulating plant architecture, the transition from primary to secondary growth, and photosynthesis. Planta. 255:101. 

Gao ZF, Shen Z, Chao Q, Yan Z, Ge XL, Lu TC, Zheng HY, Qian CR, Wang BC. (2020) Large-scale proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of maize seedling leaves during de-etiolation. Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics. doi: 10.1016/j.gpb.2020.12.004.

Yan Z, Shen Z, Li Z, Chao Q, Kong L, Gao ZF, Li QW, Zheng HY, Zhao CF, Lu CM, Wang YW, Wang BC. (2020) Genome-wide transcriptome and proteome profiles indicate an active role of alternative splicing during de-etiolation of maize seedlings. Planta. 252: 60.

Yan Z, Shen Z, Gao ZF, Chao Q, Qian CR, Zheng HY, Wang BC. (2020) A comprehensive analysis of the lysine acetylome reveals diverse functions of acetylated proteins during de-etiolation in Zea maysJournal of Plant Physiology. 248: 153158.

Chao Q, Gao ZF, Zhang D, Zhao BG, Dong FQ, Fu CX, Liu LJ, Wang BC* (2019) The developmental dynamics of the Populus stem transcriptome. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 17(1):206-219.

Wang YF, Chao Q, Li Z, Lu TC, Zheng HY, Zhao CF, Shen Z, Li XH, Wang BC* (2019) Large-scale identification and time-course quantification of ubiquitylation events during maize seeding de-etiolation. Genomics, Proteomics and Bioinformatics. 17(6).

Jie Shen, Rosalind Williams-Carrier, Alice Barkan*(2017). PSA3, a Protein on the Stromal Face of the Thylakoid Membrane, Promotes Photosystem I Accumulation in Cooperation with the Assembly Factor PYG7. Plant Physiolgy. 174(3): 1850-1862.

Zhuo Shen, Xiumei Dong, Zhifang Gao, Qing Chao, Baichen Wang*(2017). Phylogenic and phosphorylation regulation difference of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase of C3 and C4 plants. Journal of Plant Physiology. 213: 16-22.

Yuan Li, Feng Jin, Qing Chao, Baichen Wang*(2017). Proteomics analysis reveals the molecular mechanism underlying the transition from primary to secondary growth of poplar. Journal of Plant Physiology. 213: 1-15.

Yuan Li, Xiumei Dong, Feng Jin, Zhuo Shen, Qing Chao, Baichen Wang*(2017). Histone Acetylation Modifications Affect Tissue-Dependent Expression of Poplar Homologs of C4 Photosynthetic Enzyme Genes. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8: 950.

Tiantian Bu, Jie Shen, Qing Chao, Zhuo Shen, Zhen Yan, Haiyan Zheng, Bai-chen Wang*(2017). Dynamic N-glycoproteome analysis of maize seedling leaves during de-etiolation using Concanavalin A lectin affinity chromatography and a nano-LC–MS/MS-based iTRAQ approach. Plant Cell Reports. 36(12): 1943–1958.

Qing Chao, Zhifang Gao, Yuefeng Wang, Zhe Li, Xiahe Huang, Yingchun Wang, Yingchang Mei, Biligengaowa Zhao, Liang Li, Yu-bo Jiang, and Baichen Wang*. (2016). The proteome and phosphoproteome of maize pollen uncovers fertility candidate proteins. Plant Molecular Biology. 91(3): 287-304.

Xiumei Dong, Yuan Li, Qing Chao, Jie Shen, Xiujie Gong, Biligen-gaowa Zhao, and Baichen Wang*. (2016). Analysis of gene expression and histone modification between C4 and non-C4 homologous genes of PPDK and PCK in maize. Photosynthesis Research. 129: 71–83.

YiBo Chen, Dan Wang, XuanLiang Ge, BiligenGaowa Zhao, XuChu Wang, and BaiChen Wang*. (2016). Comparative proteomics of leaves found at different stem positions of maize seedlings. Journal of Plant Physiology. 198:116-128.

Yibo Chen, Tiancong Lu, Hongxia Wang, Jie Shen, Tiantian Bu, Qing Chao, Zhifang Gao, Xinguang Zhu, Yue-Feng Wang and Baichen Wang*. (2014). Posttranslational Modification of Maize Chloroplast Pyruvate Orthophosphate Dikinase Reveals the Precise Regulatory Mechanism of Its Enzymatic Activity. Plant Physiology. 165(2):534-549.

Qing Chao, XiaoYu Liu, Yingchang Mei, Zhifang Gao, Yibo Chen, Chunrong Qian, Yubo Hao, and Baichen Wang* (2014). Light-regulated phosphorylation of maize phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase plays a vital role in its activity. Plant Molecular Biology. 85(1-2):95-105.

Qing Chao, Zhifang Gao, Yuefeng Wang, Zhe Li、Xiahe Huang, Yingchun Wang, Yingchang Mei, Biligengaowa Zhao, Liang Li, Yubo Jiang and Baichen Wang* (2016). The proteome and phosphoproteome of maize pollen uncovers fertility candidate proteins. Plant Molecular Biology. 91(3):287-304.

Deli Ning, Kehui Liu, Changcai Liu, Jinwen Liu, Chunrong Qian, Yang Yu, Yuefeng Wang, Yingchun Wang, and Baichen Wang* (2016). Large-scale comparative phosphoprotein analysis of maize seedling leaves during greening. Planta. 243(2): 501-517.

Lun Jiang, Yibo Chen, Jiangge Zheng, Zhenhang Chen, Yujie Liu, Ye Tao, Wei Wu, Zhongzhou Chen*, Baichen Wang* (2016). Structural basis of reversible phosphorylation by maize Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase regulatory protein. Plant Physiology. 170(2): 732-741.

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