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韩广业 研究员
1998年和2001年在山西大学分别获得学士和硕士学位,2005年7月在中国科学院植物研究所获得博士学位。2006年6月至2008年6月在瑞典乌普萨拉大学(Uppsala University)进行博士后研究。2010年1月至2012年1月在瑞典于默奥大学(Umeå University)进行博士后研究。2012年2月至2014年3月在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)进行博士后研究。2014年3月到植物所工作。在Nature,Science,PNAS,Sci. Adv., Nat. Plants,Nat. Commun.等学术刊物发表论文60余篇。
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研究方向: 主要研究方向是光合膜蛋白的结构与功能及光合作用光能高效利用机理与调控。主要研究内容为利用生物化学、分子生物学、结构生物学及波谱学等多种技术手段交叉协作研究光合作用水裂解、电子传递、状态转换等重要过程的动态调控机制,揭示光合作用高效利用太阳能的分子机理,为提高作物和牧草的光能利用效率和抗逆能力、人工模拟光合作用及开辟太阳能利用的新途径等提供理论依据和新技术。

Mao ZY#, Li XY#, Li ZH, Shen LL, Li XY, Yang YY, Wang WD, Kuang TY, Shen J-R*, Han GY*. (2024) Structure and distinct supramolecular organization of a PSII-ACPII dimer from a cryptophyte alga Chroomonas placoidea. Nat. Commun., 15: 4535. 

Shen LL#, Gao YZ#, Tang KL#, Qi RX, Fu LT, Chen J-H, Wang WD, Ma XM, Li PY, Chen M, Kuang TY, Zhang X*, Shen J-R*, Wang PY*, Han GY*. (2024) Structure of a unique PSII-Pcb tetrameric megacomplex in a chlorophyll d-containing cyanobacterium. Sci. Adv., 10: eadk7140. 

Li XY#, Li ZH#, Wang FF#, Zhao SH, Xu CZ, Mao ZY, Duan JL, Feng Y, Yang Y, Shen LL, Wang GL, Yang YY, Yu LJ, Sang M, Han GY, Wang XC, Kuang TY, Shen J-R, Wang WD*. (2024) Structures and organizations of PSI-AcpPCI supercomplexes from red tidal and coral symbiotic photosynthetic dinoflagellates. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 121: e2315476121. 

Magyar M, Akhtar P, Sipka G, Domonkos I, Han WH, Li XY, Han GY, Shen J-R, Lambrev PH, Garab G*. (2024) Effects of lipids on the rate-limiting steps in the dark-to-light transition of Photosystem II core complex of Thermostichus vulcanus. Front Plant Sci., 15:1381040. 

Akhtar P, Balog-Vig F, Han WH, Li XY, Han GY, Shen J-R, Lambrev PH*. (2024) Quantifying the energy spillover between photosystems II and I in cyanobacterial thylakoid membranes and cells. Plant Cell Physiol., 65: 95-106. 

Zhang S#, Tang KL#, Yan QJ#, Li XY, Shen LL, Wang WD, He Y-K, Kuang TY, Han GY*, Shen J-R*, Zhang X*. (2023) Structural insights into a unique PSI-LHCI-LHCII-Lhcb9 supercomplex from moss Physcomitrium patens. Nat. Plants., 7: 1132-1142.  

Zhao SH#, Shen LL#, Li XY#, Tao QS#, Li ZH, Xu CZ, Zhou CC, Yang YY, Sang M, Han GY, Yu LJ, Kuang TY, Shen J-R*, Wang WD*. (2023) Structural insights into photosystem II supercomplex and trimeric FCP antennae of a centric diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana. Nat. Commun., 14: 8164. 

Feng Y#, Li ZH# Li XY, Shen LL, Liu XY, Zhou CC, Zhang JY, Sang M, Han GY, Yang WQ, Kuang TY, Wang WD*, Shen J-R*. (2023) Structure of a diatom photosystem II supercomplex containing a member of Lhcx family and dimeric FCPII. Sci. Adv., 9: eadi8446.  

Li ZH#, Zhou CC#, Zhao SH, Zhang JY, Liu XY, Sang M, Qin XC, Yang YY, Han GY, Kuang TY, Shen J-R*, Wang WD*. (2023) Structural and functional properties of different types of siphonous LHCII trimers from an intertidal green alga Bryopsis corticulans. Structure, 31: 1247-1258. 

Magyar M, Sipka G, Han WH, Li XY, Han GY, Shen J-R, Lambrev PH*, Garab G*. (2023) Characterization of the rate-limiting steps in the dark-to-light transitions of closed Photosystem II: Temperature dependence and invariance of waiting times during multiple light reactions. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 24: 94.

Zhu QJ, Yang YY, Xiao YN, Han WH, Li XY, Wang WD, Kuang TY, Shen J-R*, Han GY*. (2022) Effects of mutations of D1-R323, D1-N322, D1-D319, D1-H304 on the functioning of photosystem II in Thermosynechococcus vulcanus. Photosynth. Res., 152: 193-206. 

Han GY, Chernev P, Styring S, Messinger J, Mamedov F*. (2022) Molecular basis for turnover inefficiencies (misses) during water oxidation in photosystem II. Chem. Sci., 13: 8667-8678. 

Shen LL#, Tang K#, Wang WD#, Wang C, Wu H, Mao ZY, An SY, Chang SH, Kuang TY, Shen J-R*, Han GY*, Zhang X*. (2022) Architecture of the chloroplast PSI-NDH supercomplex in Hordeum vulgare. Nature, 601: 649-654. 

Magyar M, Akhtar P, Sipka G, Han WH, Li XY, Han GY, Shen J-R, Lambrev PH*, Garab G*. (2022) Dependence of the rate-limiting steps in the dark-to-light transition of photosystem II on the lipidic environment of the reaction center. Photosynthetica, 60: 147-156. 

Akhtar P, Sipka G, Han WH, Li XY, Han GY, Shen J-R, Garab G, Tan H-S*, Lambrev PH*. (2022) Ultrafast excitation quenching by the oxidized photosystem II reaction center. J. Chem. Phys., 156: 145101. 

Xiao YN#, Huang GQ#, You X, Zhu QJ, Wang WD, Kuang TY, Han GY*, Sui S-F*, Shen J-R*. (2021) Structural insights into cyanobacterial photosystem II intermediates associated with Psb28 and Tsl0063. Nat. Plants, 7: 1132-1142. 

Huang GQ#, Xiao YN#, Pi X#, Zhao L, Zhu QJ, Wang WD, Kuang TY, Han GY*, Sui S-F*, Shen J-R*. (2021) Structural insights into a dimeric Psb27-photosystem II complex from a cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus vulcanus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 118: e2018053118. 

Huang ZH#, Shen LL#, Wang WD, Mao ZY, Yi XH, Kuang TY, Shen J-R*, Zhang X*, Han GY*. (2021) Structure of photosystem I-LHCI-LHCII from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in State 2. Nat. Commun., 12: 1100. 

Xu CH#, Zhu QJ#, Chen JH#, Shen LL, Yi XH, Huang ZH, Wang WD, Chen M, Kuang TY, Shen J-R*, Zhang X*, Han GY*. (2021) A unique photosystem I reaction center from a chlorophyll d-containing cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina. J. Integr. Plant Biol., 63: 1740-1752. 

Sipka G, Magyar M, Mezzetti A, Akhtar P, Zhu QJ, Xiao YN, Han GY, Santabarbara S, Shen J-R, Lambrev PH, Garab G*. (2021) Light-adapted charge-separated state of photosystem II. Structural and functional dynamics of the closed reaction center. Plant Cell, 33: 1286-1302. 

Yan QJ#, Zhao L#, Wang WW, Pi X, Han GY, Wang J, Cheng LP, He YK, Kuang TY, Qin XC*, Sui S-F*, Shen J-R*. (2021) Antenna arrangement and energy transfer pathways of PSI-LHCI from the moss Physcomitrella patens. Cell Discovery, 7: 10. 

Zhu QJ#, Yang YY#, Xiao YN, Wang WD, Kuang TY, Shen J-R*, Han GY*. (2020) Function of PsbO-Asp158 in photosystem II: effects of mutation of this residue on the binding of PsbO and function of PSII in Thermosynechococcus vulcanus. Photosynth. Res., 146: 29-40. 

Xiao YN, Zhu QJ, Yang YN, Wang WD, Kuang TY, Shen J-R*, Han GY*. (2020) Role of PsbV-Tyr137 in photosystem II studied by site-directed mutagenesis in the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus vulcanus. Photosynth. Res., 146: 41-54. 

Chang LJ#, Tian LR #, Ma F, Mao ZY, Liu XC, Han GY, Wang WD, Yang YY, Kuang TY, Pan J, Shen J-R*. (2020) Regulation of photosystem I-light-harvesting complex I from a red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae in response to light intensities. Photosynth. Res., 146: 287-297. 

Taguchi S, Shen LL, Han GY, Umena Y, Shen J-R, Noguchi T, Mino H*. (2020) Formation of the high-spin S2 state related to the extrinsic proteins in the oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 11: 8908-8913.  

Chen JH, Wu HJ, Xu CH., Liu XC, Huang ZH, Chang SH, Wang WD, Han GY, Kuang TY*, Shen J-R*, Zhang X*. (2020). Architecture of the photosynthetic complex from a green sulfur bacterium. Science, 370: eabb6350.

Xu CZ#, Pi X#, Huang YW, Han GY, Chen XB, Qin XC, Huang GQ, Zhao SH, Yang YY, Kuang TY, Wang WD*, Sui S-F*, Shen J-R*. (2020) Structural basis for energy transfer in a huge diatom PSI-FCPI supercomplex. Nat. Commun., 11: 5081. 

Shen LL#, Huang ZH#, Chang SH#, Wang WD, Wang JF, Kuang TY, Han GY*, Shen J-R*, Zhang X*. (2019) Structure of a C2S2M2N2-type PSII-LHCII supercomplex from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 116: 21246-21255. 

Qin XC#, Pi X#, Wang WD, Han GY, Zhu LX, Liu MM, Cheng LP, Shen J-R, Kuang TY*, Sui S-F*. (2019) Structure of a green algal PSI in complex with a large number of light-harvesting complex I subunits. Nat. Plants, 5: 263-272. 

Wang WD#, Yu L-J#, Xu CZ, Tomizaki T, Zhao SH, Umena Y, Chen XB, Qin XC, Xin YY, Suga M, Han GY, Kuang TY*, Shen J-R*. (2019) Structural basis for blue-green light-harvesting and energy dissipation in diatoms. Science, 363: eaav0365. 

Pi X#, Zhao SH#, Wang WD#, Liu DS, Xu CZ, Han GY, Kuang TY*, Sui S-F*, Shen J-R*. (2019) The pigment-protein network of a diatom photosystem II-light harvesting antenna supercomplex. Science, 365: eaax4406. 

Sipka G, Müller P, Brettel K, Magyar M, Kovács L, Zhu QJ, Xiao YN, Han GY, Lambrev PH, Shen J-R, Garab G*. (2019) Redox transients of P680 associated with the incremental chlorophyll-a fluorescence yield rises elicited by a series of saturating flashes in diuron-treated photosystem II core complex of Thermosynechococcus vulcanus. Physiol. Plant., 166: 22-32. 

Li Z, Qi Y, Wang WY, Li D, Li Z, Xiao YN, Han GY, Shen J-R, Li C*. (2019) Blocking backward reaction on hydrogen evolution cocatalyst in a photosystem II hybrid Z-scheme water splitting system. Chin. J. Catal., 40: 486-494. 

Chen J*, Chen JF, Liu Y, Zheng Y, Zhu QJ, Han GY, Shen J-R. (2019) Proton-coupled electron transfer of plastoquinone redox reactions in photosystem II: A pump-probe ultraviolet resonance raman study. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 10: 3240-3247. 

Giovagnetti V#, Han GY#, Ware MA, Ungerer P, Qin X, Wang WD, Kuang TY, Shen J-R*, Ruban AV.* (2018) A siphonous morphology affects light-harvesting modulation in the intertidal green macroalga Bryopsis corticulans (Ulvophyceae). Planta, 247: 1293-1306. 

Langley J, Morton J, Purchase R, Tian LR, Shen LL, Han GY, Shen J-R, Krausz E*. (2018) The deep red state of photosystem II in Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Photosynthetica, 56: 275-278. 

Magyar M, Sipka G, Kovács L, Ughy B, Zhu QJ, Han GY, Špunda V, Lambrev PH, Shen J-R, Garab G*. (2018) Rate-limiting steps in the dark to light transition of photosystem II-revealed by chlorophyll-a fluorescence induction. Sci. Rep., 8: 2755-2763. 

Tian LR, Liu ZY, Wang FJ, Shen LL, Chen JH, Chang LJ, Zhao SH, Han GY, Wang WD, Kuang TY, Qin XC*, Shen J-R*. (2017) Isolation and characterization of PSI-LHCI super-complex and their sub-complexes from a red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Photosynth. Res., 133: 201-214.  

Chatterjee R#, Han GY#, Kern J, Gul S, Fuller FD. Garachtchenko A, Young I, Weng T-C, Nordlund D, Alonso-Mori R, Bergmann U, Sokaras D, Hatakeyama M, Yachandra K*, Yano J*. (2016) Structural changes correlated with magnetic spin state isomorphism in the S2 state of the Mn4CaO5 cluster in the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II. Chem. Sci., 7: 5236-5248. 

Zhou Y#, Wu Y#, Yao MD, Liu Z, Chen J, Chen J, Tian LR, Han GY, Shen J-R, Wang FJ*. (2016) Probing the lysine proximal microenvironments within membrane protein complexes by active dimethyl labeling and mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 88: 12060-12065. 

Wang WY#, Wang H#, Zhu QJ, Qin W, Han GY, Shen J-R, Zong X*, Li C*. (2016) Spatially separated photosystem II and a silicon photoelectrochemical cell for overall water splitting: a natural-artificial photosynthetic hybrid. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55: 9229-9233. 

Roessler CG, Agarwal R, Allaire M*, Alonso-Mori R, Andi B, Bachega JFR, Bommer M, Brewster AS, Browne MC, Chatterjee R, Cho E, Cohen AE, Cowan M, Datwani S, Davidson VL, Defever J, Eaton B, Ellson R, Feng Y, Ghislain LP, Glownia JM, Han GY, Hattne J, Hellmich J, Héroux A, Ibrahim M, Kern J, Kuczewski A, Lemke HT, Liu P, Majlof L, McClintock WM, Myers S, Nelsen S, Olechno J, Orville AM*, Sauter NK, Soares AS*, Soltis SM, Song H, Stearns RG, Tran R, Tsai Y, Uervirojnangkoorn M, Wilmot CM, Yachandra VK, Yano J, Yukl ET, Zhu D, Zouni A. (2016) Acoustic Injectors for drop-on-demand serial femtosecond crystallography. Structure, 24: 631-640. 

Ago H, Adachi H, Umena Y, Tashiro T, Kawakami K, Kamiya N, Tian L, Han GY, Kuang TY, Liu ZY, Wang FJ, Zou HF, Enami I, Miyano M, Shen J-R*. (2016) Novel features of eukaryotic photosystem II revealed by its crystal structure analysis from a red alga. J. Biol. Chem., 291: 5676-5687. 

Wang WY#, Wang ZL#, Zhu QJ, Han GY, Ding CM, Chen J, Shen J-R, Li C*. (2015) Direct electron transfer from photosystem II to hematite in a hybrid photoelectrochemical cell. Chem. Commun., 51, 16952-16955.

Han GY, Huang Y, Koua FHM, Shen J-R, Westlund PO*, Messinger J*. (2014) Hydration of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II probed in the dark-stable S1 state by proton NMR dispersion profiles. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16: 11924-11935. 

Han GY, Huang Y, Koua FHM, Shen J-R, Westlund PO*, Messinger J*. (2014) Hydration of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II probed in the dark-stable S1 state by proton NMR dispersion profiles. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16: 11924-11935. 

Kern J, Tran R, Alonso-Mori R, Koroidov S, Echols N, Hattne J, Ibrahim M, Gul S, Laksmono H, Sierra RG, Gildea RJ, Han GY, Hellmich J, Lassalle-Kaiser B, Chatterjee R, Brewster AS, Stan CA, Glöckner C, Lampe A, DiFiore D, Milathianaki D, Fry AR, Seibert MM, Koglin JE, Gallo E, Uhlig J, Sokaras D, Weng T-C, Zwart PH, Skinner DE, Bogan MJ, Messerschmidt M, Glatzel P, Williams GJ, Boutet S, Adams PD, Zouni A, Messinger J, Sauter NK, Bergmann U*, Yano J*, Yachandra VK*. (2014) Taking snapshots of photosynthetic water oxidation using femtosecond X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy. Nat. Commun., 5: 4371-4381. 

Hattne J, Echols N, Tran R, Kern J, Gildea RJ, Brewster AS, Alonso-Mori R, Glöckner C, Hellmich J, Laksmono H, Sierra RG, Lassalle-Kaiser B, Lampe A, Han GY, Gul S, DiFiore D, Milathianaki D, Fry AR, Miahnahri A, White WE, Schafer DW, Seibert MM, Koglin JE, Sokaras D, Weng TC, Sellberg J, Latimer MJ, Glatzel P, Zwart PH, Grosse-Kunstleve RW, Bogan MJ, Messerschmidt M, Williams GJ, Boutet S, Messinger J, Zouni A, Yano J Bergmann U, Yachandra VK, Adams PD, Sauter NK*. (2014) The accurate processing of diffraction data from X-ray free-electron lasers. Nat. Methods, 11: 545-548. 

Kern J, Alonso-Mori R, Tran R, Hattne J, Gildea RJ, Echols N, Glöckner C, Hellmich J, Laksmono H, Sierra RG, Lassalle-Kaiser B, Koroidov S, Lampe A, Han GY, Gul S, DiFiore D, Milathianaki D, Fry AR, Miahnahri A, Schafer DW, Messerschmidt M, Seibert MM, Sokaras D, Weng T-C, Sellberg J, Latimer MJ, Grosse-Kunstleve RW, Zwart PH, White WE, Glatzel P, Adams PD, Bogan MJ, Williams GJ, Boutet S, Messinger J, Zouni A, Sauter NK, Yachandra VK*, Bergmann U*, Yano J*. (2013) Simultaneous femtosecond X-ray spectroscopy and diffraction of photosystem II at room temperature. Science, 340: 491-495. 

Mitzner R, Rehanek J, Kern J, Gul S, Hattne J, Taguchi T, Alonso-Mori R, Tran R, Weniger C, Schröder H, Quevedo W, Laksmono H, Sierra RG, Han GY, Lassalle-Kaiser B, Koroidov Sergey, Kubicek K, Schreck S, Kunnus K, Brzhezinskaya M, Firsov A, Minitti Michael P, Turner JJ, Moeller S, Sauter NK, Bogan MJ, Nordlund D, Schlotter WF, Messinger J, Borovik A, Techert S, de Groot FMF, Föhlisch A, Erko A, Bergmann U*, Yachandra VK*, Wernet P*, Yano J*. (2013) L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy of dilute systems relevant to metalloproteins using a X-ray free electron laser. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4: 3641-3647. 

Han GY, Mamedov F*, Styring S*. (2012) Misses during water oxidation in photosystem II are S state dependent. J. Biol. Chem., 287: 13422-13429. 

Chen GY#, Han GY#, Göransson E, Mamedov F, Styring S*. (2012) Stability of the S3 and S2 state intermediates in photosystem II directly probed by EPR spectroscopy. Biochemistry, 51: 138-148. 

Havelius KGV, Su JH, Han GY, Mamedov F, Ho FM*, Styring S*. (2011) The formation of the split EPR signal from the S3 state of photosystem II does not involve primary charge separation. Biochim. Biophys. Acta.-Bioenergetics, 1807: 11-21. 

Han GY, Havelius KGV, Ho FM, Mamedov F, Styring S*. (2008) Direct quantification of the four individual S states in photosystem II using EPR spectroscopy. Biochim. Biophys. Acta.-Bioenergetics, 1777: 496-503. 

Su JH, Havelius KGV, Ho FM, Han GY, Mamedov F*, Styring S*. (2007) Formation spectra of the EPR split signals from the S0, S1, and S3 states in photosystem II induced by monochromatic light at 5 K. Biochemistry, 46: 1073-10712. 

Chen GY, Han GY, Ling L, Huang DG, Li SQ*, Khorobrykh AA, Zharmukhamedov SK., Liu QT*, Klimov VV*, Kuang TY. (2007) Reconstitution of water-oxidizing complex in manganese-depleted photosystem II preparations with synthetic manganese complexes. Photosynthetica, 45: 620-627. 

Li SQ*, Chen GY, Han GY, Huang DG, Khorobrykh AA, Zharmukhamedov SK., Li LB, Liu QT*, Klimov VV*, Kuang TY. (2006) Coordination of nitrogen atom from ligand with manganese atom in the mononuclear manganese complexes facilitate the reconstitution of water-oxidizing complex in manganese-depleted photosystem II preparations. J. Biol. Inorg. Chem., 11: 783-790. 

Han GY, Li J, Chen GY, Ling L, Li SQ*, Khorobrykh AA, Zharmukhamedov SK., Klimov VV*, Kuang TY*. (2005) Reconstruction of the water-oxidizing complex in manganese-depleted photosystem II using synthetic manganese complexes. J. Photochem. Photobiol., B. Biology, 81: 114-120. 

韩广业, 李淑芹*, 匡廷云. (2010) 光合放氧复合物锰簇光组装. 化学进展, 22(8): 1556-1565.

韩广业, 李淑芹*, 唐崇钦, 李良璧, 匡廷云. (2004) 光合放氧复合物结构及其放氧机理的研究. 化学进展, 16(2): 184-195. 

韩广业*, 杨频. (2004) 异羟肟酸氧钒化合物的合成表征及配位化学性质研究. 分子科学学报, 20(2): 5-11. 

杨频*, 韩广业. (2002) 异丙氧基-异羟肟酸-氧钒(V)配合物的合成、晶体结构和量子化学研究. 化学学报, 60(6): 1072-1077. 

杨频*, 韩广业. (2001) 金属钒化合物作为胰岛素模拟物的研究进展. 化学通报, 64(9): 553-558. 

宋宇飞, 杨频*, 韩广业. (2001) 四吡啶吩嗪钴、镍双核配合物的合成、表征及光谱学性质研究. 无机化学学报, 17(1): 89-95.

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