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报告人:鲁娜 博士 


时 间:12月18日上午10:00 

地 点:景天楼303会议室 


Na Lu, assistant professor of Chiba University. 2009-2012, worked on a doctoral research project in Chiba university. 2012-2015 worked as plant specialist Asia of Philips Horticulture LED Solutions, responsible for LED light recipe development and research on various crops in Asia Pacific Region. Focused on LED light applications for various crops cultivated in plant factory, greenhouse, and tissue culture labs, to improve plant growth, production, flowering control, and energy saving. Since 2015, working at Chiba University, research on environmental control technologies for promoting plant growth and quality on leafy vegetables and medicinal plants grown in plant factory. Especially about LED lighting applications in artificial lighting plant factories. In recent years, she has published many academic papers and participated in writing several books. 




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